you know me...
I'm that guy you've been warned about
you know me
good. bad. otherwise.
God allowed you too close to me
now you see me, you feel me
you'll never change me
(not that you'd want to)
I'm a reflection of you
sure, it's more of a funhouse illusion
representing all you could've (should've) been
don't you just hate mirrors?
I'm a good bad example
a loser with a heart of gold
the rules I play by aren't in a book
no book you've ever read
yet somehow...some way
you see through me, to the real me
why aren't you afraid?
I'm a badman, seriously
your heart knows the depths
(and darkness) of my soul
you fulfill needs I never knew I had
we grow symbiotic in body and mind
don't be afraid
I won't harm you, hahaha
just stow your bag in the overhead compartment
and prepare for take-off
you have nothing to fear (but fear itself)

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