I awaken to a snow filled sky
earth covered by a blanket of down
natures light fluorescent
seeming to fall in the flakes around me
my heart is elsewhere, distant
feeling the touch of a God sent friend
wrapped in a quilt of unimaginable warmth
not of simple feathers but of deepest love
the cold tries in vain to find a crack
to sink its icy fingers into my flesh
it will never find a toehold
never, barred by immeasurable passion
my love is far away yet so close
touching me, feeling me, warming me
holding the cold at bay so completely
making the frozen, empty day Gods gift to me
you know my heart, both sides
you have chosen to know me
despite my wrongs, you see my (Gods) will
damaged and scarred, healed by your (Gods) hand
you have warmed my very life
freed my soul to see our beauty
helped to seat God in my heart
forgiven me without judgement
my love will know no end
complete yet never finished
growing stronger with every breath
you have made me new, whole, warm
thank you, my love (undying)

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