I try really hard. I don't mail it in or do anything half ass. If something is worth doing, it's worth doing right. Come strong or go home.
Something beautiful and rare falls from heaven, drops right in my fucking lap while I was looking the other way. But it hits and rolls...what do you do? You get up off your ass and you give chase man! It zigs, you zig. It zags...you get the picture. Don't let it out of your sight. The run may kill you, but nothing else matters, does it?
I'm learning that you can't change a thing through will alone. It doesn't matter how badly I want it. What seems to matter is what you're willing to sacrifice for what you want...will it be your pride? What about your self-esteem? What about the fact that you try so hard and never seem to get the brass ring. What about that? You give yourself, you give of yourself, you sweat the details...nothing.
I will never give up, never retreat. I believe too strongly that love is the answer. There is nothing else worth living or dying for. I would step in front of a bullet for family and friends, and I would give it all for love. You may think that's out of balance but it works for me. What else holds you in such gentle arms? What else can touch you so deeply? Why else do we die a little every day?

wow!!! that is absolutely breath taking...i love this..