start with plain old earth, dirt
composed of the decomposing
add to it, in no particular order or proportion
the glue that holds it all together
now, mix it thoroughly
pack it tightly into the closed off form that has become your heart
you now have the first of many bricks with which to build your personal fortress
these bricks hold value, they don't come cheap, you earn them
stack them carefully, this bunker must be impenetrable
it needn't be large, you're all alone, you always will be
simply decorated with your most personal furnishings
time to settle in for a lengthy stay, there is no door...
as these walls go up, however slowly or quickly
no thought is given to windows or doors...or escape
hope you like it in there, are you comfy?
you don't get visitors, none are allowed
welcome to no mans land
you created it, enjoy
personally, I'm tired off my self-imposed exile
I want to see the sun, feel it's warmth
I've become so pale and fragile behind these walls
I need to move, to stretch these atrophied tendons, test their strength
I want to be touched again, hand to hand, heart to heart
won't you help me take down the barbed wire?
if I start on the inside and you start on the outside, it'll work
chiseling away at my lifes work, deconstructing the fortress,I'm so tired
I will need you to help me stand, feels like I haven't in so long
help me to see, I will be squinting against the light so bright
help me to feel, my hands are so calloused from my labor of fear...
my biggest fear is that these walls are reinforced...
better bring a jack hammer

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