your bitterness is a shadow
of your anger, misdirected
in what world are you the judge?
to start a fight
cause another to defend
what right have you?
do you know better?
is ignorance truly bliss?
if we passed on the street
would you know me?
know of me?
know my kind?
I doubt it
fear me?
(yeah, that's the ticket)
your fear binds you
my lack of fear frees me
your willingness to hurt
to take my words
and wield them as weapons
never as intended
out of context
and without reason
feel my heart
it's on the page
know me before you judge me
I will never need your validation
know my walk in life
before you criticize my route
show me the fairness you tout
I ask no quarter, only balance
this is real...
get over it

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