Tuesday, October 29, 2013

broken clock

bring me home
from this place
far away from you
take my heart
make it yours

no more darkness
no more fear
no more fading away

bring me home
wrapped in love
safe and warm with you
take my hand
make it yours

no more darkness
no more fear
no more fading away

bring me home
to fix the clock
days pass too slowly
take this time
make it ours

no more darkness
no more fear
no more fading away


  1. no more fading away. no more darkness, no more fear no more fading away x loved it.
    I read it a week back first time and did a lot many times later x wont be any fading away,

  2. Thank you so much for the feedback. Very much appreciated :)

  3. I have No words. Just tears.

    This is a beautiful slice of soul, written.

    1. Gina, thank you so much for your comment. It means a lot coming from someone with your chops. :-)


Thanks for reading and speaking...