debilitated by the ghosts that haunt us
crippled by the judgement of others
guilt weighing us down, sapping our strength
the things we have held dear seem ethereal now
a trick of light, smoke, and mirrors... non-existent
it's unfair that we've wasted so much time...
trying to live on the validation of others
we've lost ourselves and what's (really) important
refusing to expose a vulnerable heart
we lie to ourselves to justify the pain
sold a story riddled with ulterior motives and deceit
ashamed that we didn't see it coming
help me destroy the fear, the shame and self-doubt
help me to carry the things I can't bear alone, I need you
don't we finally deserve to live? haven't we earned a parole?
a heart unafraid, that gladly offers shelter from the storm
the feeling of a true friend, the warm embrace of acceptance
the look you see in the eyes of innocent, honest love
so beautiful
I want to...
feel weak from desire, not punishment
taste passion that knows no boundaries
feel beauty that stops/starts my heart
know honesty without fear, without judgement
don't be afraid, you know you want it
I had a dream that we were lovers...

* Title inspired by Toad the Wet Sprocket
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