Monday, December 20, 2010


you are here

my breath slows
vitals stabilizing
your presence soothes
calms the beast

so much hidden deep
why spoil the view?
frozen, afraid to move
alas, no where to go

how is it you know?
with the eyes of a child
you see (no, you sense)
your empathy unrehearsed
generosity without measure
sincere, genuine
love pours from you
without condition
without judgement
without limit

completely without guile

you warm me as the sun touches the earth
your spirit renews my sense of hope
it is through you that I see the good
you are the filter, it is your gift
and in your selfless manner
you give it away

you know the secrets
judgement says nothing of the judged
a treasure not shared holds no value
love is to be given with exuberance
the gift is in the giving

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