here's the plan:
there is no plan.
life is anarchy with a bank account
encouraged to dream about "the good life"
how about changing the dream?
think about that
yeah, I know
so many dream of fame and (mis)fortune
few ever achieve
careful what you wish for
there are so many who toil thanklessly
we call them the less fortunate
less fortunate than who?
than this guy...
he has a boat at his place on the lake
he parties like a rock star every weekend
and has all the shallow (hollow) friends you could stand
his wife drives a BMW
enough said
that's a win?
that's the reason I get out of bed every morning?
at the end of the line are the great unwashed (we fill the freeway)
we smile at people
we hold the elevator
we pray for others
we toil away our lives with no reward in sight
at a job only your boss could love
we live on the fringe of society
we are the people with the real dreams
but we're all on Ambien because we can't sleep
the dreams are damaged and seldom come
all I want is a great cup of coffee and a good friend
an existence that means more than having the latest gadget
I want my tan to be of the sun and my dog to bark loudly
there is nothing that can be bought
to fill the hole in our heart
I once heard Woody say,
"We need to stop loving things and using people"
we need to exchange the nouns
you think?
I love you all

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