I won't do it again...
I won't put up with it anymore
the shame
the pain
the fights to validate your insecurity
the constant petty drama
for no good reason
to control
I won't be second again...ever
I won't walk behind and to the right
I won't be less than equal
I'm done explaining
I'm done justifying
I'm done walking on eggshells
afraid to wake the beast
afraid to breathe
you can't see...
through the mistrust
through the hate
through the haze of pain
your power is under your thumb
through judgment and condemnation
you rule and you punish
all for control
well, here's the scoop...
I'm not broken
you have no need to fear me
you never have
I have value beyond that of a scapegoat
for your self-imposed tragedy
life is so short
and I am out
of control